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Humans of New York : le projet génial où chaque portrait a son histoire

Avec plus de 12 millions d’abonnés sur Facebook, Humans of New York fait grand bruit malgré sa simplicité : dépeindre les habitants de la grande pomme avec un portrait et une citation. Juste, sincère et touchant, voici un succès mérité.


Tous les jours, Brandon Stanton aborde des inconnus pour capturer leurs portraits tout en échangeant quelques mots avec eux. Tout a commencé en 2010, quand celui-ci perd son travail à Chicago et qu’il décide de partir vivre à New York avec comme seul plan de photographier le plus possible. Quotidiennement, il photographie les habitants qu’il croise aux coins des rues et il décide alors d’ouvrir un blog, consacré aux clichés de ses rencontres. Depuis, le projet a grandi, le site Humans of New York et sa page Facebook comptent des millions de fans et Brandon Stanton a même publié un livre qui est devenu un best-seller.
Son approche franchement amicale des gens, à voir dans la vidéo, va vous donner le sourire. Ses clichés, plus bas, transforment les étrangers en humains, là ou chaque photo raconte une histoire. Bref, à découvrir si ce n’est pas déjà fait !

“I feel like I’m on autopilot every day. I go to work, go home, listen to some music, smoke my blunt, and go to sleep. And that’s a scary place to be. Cause I’ve got dreams.”

« I lost my flag the other night, so I just went back to all my favorite bars until I found it! »

« Her mother and I were going through a dark time when we had her, so we named her Sunshine. »

“I had four restaurants, a beautiful family, and a beautiful wife. I was healthy, rich, and successful. But I was unhappy. My success felt like an illusion, and I was so fearful that it would disappear that I began to have panic attacks. I was about to go to a shrink, but my friend convinced me to try Buddhism instead. That was five years ago. Now I chant for an hour and a half every morning. Many of the things that I feared ended up happening: I got involved in some lawsuits, I had to sell my vacation homes, I lost one of my restaurants. But the thing is— I’m happier now than I was when I was more successful.”

« I’m going to be a farmer. I know how to grow two types of crops. One crop is the normal kind. The other kind uses aquaponic systems. We have an aquaponic system in our classroom. It has a one ton tank with nine tilapia fish in it. It used to have ten fish but the biggest one died over Christmas break. His name was Frank. Anyway, the water in the tilapia tank gets filtered into another tank, where we are growing kale, hybrid spinach, and lettuce. Afterward, it gets funneled back into the tilapia tank and starts all over again. Everyday we have to measure nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and one other thing that I forget the name so let’s not mention that one. Anyway, at the end of the year we are going to harvest everything that we grew. Then we’re going to make fish tacos. »

« I came to study design. The Americans in my class are very good at speaking English. So they talk, talk talk. I’m not very good with my English. So I just learn, learn, learn. »

« I got asked in a job interview to describe the ideal job that I’d create for myself if I had a magic wand. I thought that was the stupidest question. I would never use my magic wand to create a job. »


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